Click below to explore workforce statistics for Alachua and Bradford Counties. The statistics include the unemployment rate, jobs by industry and much more!

Career Services
Are you a veteran and seeking help with gaining employment? Check out our resources page.
We know it can be hard finding a job as a young adult. Visit our resources page for help.
Access thousands of job postings through the statewide jobs portal. Visit Employ Florida to register and search.
Business Services
Get tailored solutions and support for your business at no cost when you connect with a member of our team.
We can help you access grants to fund on-the-job training for your workers.
Interested in being able to custom grow your own talent? Learn more about starting an apprenticeship program.
Board Updates
Stay connected on our upcoming scheduled meetings.
View our board of directors and learn more about them.
Programs to Benefit YOU, the Employers

CareerSource North Central Florida understands the marketplace is always changing and businesses are constantly looking for ways to remain competitive. Properly trained talent is a key to success, and we are here to help you. Contact a member of our Business Operations team to answer your questions and offer suggestions.

Client Quotes
See what our staff has to say about our clients.